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Type C - Spherical seat washer
Type D - Dished washer with d3 = d2
Type G -Dished washer with d4 > d2
Product Description
DIN6319 Spherical washers, Steel, Concave or Convex
These spherical washers DIN6319 are used to aid clamping on non-parallel surfaces or between parts with uneven or irregular faces.
Dished washers Type G are mainly used on elongated holes.
When utilising hexagon nuts with spherical seating DIN 6330 the spherical washer is redundant.
Type C/D - Case hardening steel, case hardened all round depth 0,2 to 0,4 mm, hardness (550 + 100) HV 10
Type G - Heat-treated steel, tempered, hardness (350 + 80) HV 30
On Request
Spherical washers and dished washers - Not hardened